National Center of Affective Disorders (NCAD)

Early Career support

All NCAD partners have distinct measures for supporting equal opportunities, internationalisation, diversity and family matters. The success of young scientists in a globalised health research context requires training with an international and interdisciplinary outlook. For graduate students, there are several master’s programmes in Systems and Molecular Neuroscience as well as ‘Clinical/ Experimental Science’ curricula for medical students. Summer courses and retreats with international experts further support our young scientists.


For postgraduates, the NCAD is intertwined with well-established structured programmes and career support measures, including successful DFG-funded and clinician-scientist programmes, along with university-wide and faculty-specific measures. The skills and competencies acquired within this supportive environment qualify for leadership positions in academia and also for a broader variety of careers in health and industry sectors.


For example successful clinician-scientist programmes facilitate translational research activities for highly gifted physicians and psychologists in combination with state-of-the-art clinical training and different clinical scientists programms, which gives young physicians exclusive time for research during their clinical training. Additionally, habilitation programmes are available for more advanced colleagues. There are peer-reviewed, intramural funding programmes for young scientists.


The NCAD is embedded in the gender equality, diversity and compatibility measures at the host universities, which have received many distinctions (e.g. ‘Family Friendly University’ seal) and have successfully participated in programmes dedicated to increasing the number of female academic leadership (e.g. Mentoring Programme). Standard policies comprise mentoring, networking, childcare funding, flexible working and substitution during parental leaves to ensure continuity of career and research projects.